What makes the QR Code Menu the backbone of Restaurant? - Foodiv
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What makes the QR Code Menu the backbone of Restaurant?

Benefits of using QR code for restaurant menus

The world has seen worse times due to the advent of the pandemic in the past couple of years.

Though things are getting somewhat better, you cannot be sure whether times can’t go worse again.

Such circumstances necessitate careful treading in terms of how you engage in your daily chores. Everything needs careful observation and behavioral changes. Every industry needs to follow certain restrictions and adapt to new rules.

The hotel industry is one which had to suffer a lot. Due to restrictions of movement outside, customers did not visit restaurants, and overall, there was a complete lockdown of these businesses.

Even after opening up of the economies, the hotel industry still needs to follow strict guidelines. The no-touch policy is quite strict in restaurants.

This is what brings us to the topic of using QR code based restaurant menu. A solution…finally!!

Though restaurant owners may be apprehensive about using menu qr code generator, there are various benefits associated which need to be understood. These benefits are apart from following the no-touch policies.

How QR Code menus offer many benefits for restaurants

Easy updates

The QR code is not just for an online payment but it can also direct you to a particular website or portal where you showcase information in the form of updates for your products and services. Restaurants use QR codes to convey any update with ease to their esteemed patrons. It is also convenient to send the QR code with a text that there is an important update the customer should know about the restaurant. It could be from a variety of events or incidents such as a change in theme, menu, dish items, and even discounts and coupons for reduced food prices.

Social distancing

The COVID pandemic taught us many lessons, social distancing being one. Though the world has already overcome the tragic and unfortunate diseases of the masses, there are many organizations including a few restaurants who prefer taking extra precautions. In fact, for many, social distancing and sanitization have become a norm to stay healthy and keep others healthy. Digital QR codes can offer a variety of information such as any updates, access to digital menus, and the like; hence, QR codes for restaurants can be used as a social distancing practice.

Smoother operations

Restaurants indulge in several internal and external operations that include managing staff, dish items, inventory, discounts/offers, and accounts. With the help of digital technology such as QR codes, those operations and management could be made smoother. It is easy to upload or update the digital menu, for instance, and the restauranteurs can send the QR code to their loyal customers and newer ones to attract and retain them. This ease is not possible with physical menu changes or updates.

Entice customers

Present-day customers or patrons prefer going digital, especially millennials who make up a bigger chunk of restaurant-goers. Restaurants, eateries, and café with traditional ways of operations and management would sound dull today and they would find it difficult to stay up-to-date in the current market. On the other hand, restaurants with QR codes can do wonders and attract customers with their digitally advanced system. Customers can quickly view the digital menu, know about any updates, and also avail of any discounts and coupons through a QR code generated by restaurants.

Save a lot on cost for printing

Restaurants keep on modifying their menus based on consumer preferences, changing weather and other such things.

This necessitates printing of the new menus every now and then. This involves lot of money.

However, when you opt for QR code menus, you will just need to get the code printed on whatever surface you choose. This will be a one-time activity and hence, you will not need to spend with changing menus. Besides, if you have integrated food ordering system, you have this option to create a QR code for menu and provide your customers with updated menu list instantly.

A change in your menu will mean only replacing the file and uploading the files onto the QR code. As simple as that!

Easily follow the no-touch policy

With a QR code restaurant menu, you will not have to worry about coming in contact with anyone.

Customers can easily select their desired food items by scanning the QR code without having to come in contact with the printed menu which can be handled by many.

You will thus be following the pandemic guidelines as well and at the same time, keeping your staff as well as you customers safe.

Keep your menu updated daily

It happens at times that some food items in your restaurant get over. This is when your customers can get irritated if they find names of such food items in the menu and don’t get them from you.

However, with a QR code restaurant menu, you can easily update the available items and thus ensure that your customers are able to view only those items that are available in your kitchen.

So along with ease of updating the menu, you also ensure that your customers are not irritated or unhappy. Bingo!!

Get an attractive menu

When you have printed menu cards in your restaurant, it becomes difficult to have attractive images of the food items to be printed on them. Getting high quality images printed can be an extremely expensive affair. Sad, Isn’t it?

However, with QR code restaurant menus, these things can be taken care of easily. You can upload very attractive and high definition food images onto the QR code.

Watching these photos can provoke your customers to opt for your food items. This will lead to increase of business for you. Moreover, you can also project your food in a better manner in front of your customers.

So, now you know the benefits of using QR codes to your restaurant menus.

Important aspects to consider for QR code menus

Let us see some important points to consider when you make the final decision of opting for a QR code menu for your restaurant.

PDF files can be troublesome

Though they give a clear image, PDFs can be non- compatible with mobile phones of certain customers.

Hence, such customers won’t be able to easily read through your restaurant menu. Choosing easy file formats which are compatible with almost all mobiles is the key.

Descriptive menu

With a QR code restaurant menu, you now have the option of being descriptive with your menu.

You can describe your food items in a crisp and short way, thus also reducing additional communication between customers and your staff. This also saves valuable time and makes your customer happy as they can choose easily.

Moreover, ensure that you have prices for all the food items mentioned in your menu. This will again reduce communication and not confuse your customers while they choose.

Help customers with digital menus

As a QR code menu is a new entrant into the industry, during the initial days, you may need to educate your customers about how to use these menus.

Once customers are aware about how use to these menus and the benefits associated, your customers will be at ease.

Conclusive thoughts

Staying in a safe environment is the need of this hour.

The pandemic has already troubled us a lot and going forward, it becomes imperative that we follow certain guidelines and ensure that we adhere to some aspects that can make this world a better place to live.

Use of a QR code menus for your restaurants can be one such step that can lead to safety of your staff and also your customers.

Moreover, the various benefits associated with QR code restaurant menus as mentioned herewith are a plus that you need to consider.

With the world becoming digital, your menus in digital form can be a right step forward.

Along with projecting your restaurant as a forward thinking entity, it will also create a safe eating place for your customers and a safer working environment for your staff.

So, what are you waiting for? Get help from a good consultant and get the QR code menu ready for your restaurant.

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